Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya held at Kathmandu, Nepal
25 Nov. - 2 Dec. 2012

With the Benign Blessings of Their Holinesses Pujyasri Jayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamiji and Pujyasri Shankara Vijayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamiji of Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya was performed at Bankali Dharmashala, Hans Mandap, Near Pashupatinath Mandir, Kathmandu, Nepal from 25 November 2012 to 2 December 2012. This is the Sixth in a series of Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnyas being performed in several places. 30 ritwiks and parayandars from various places in India as well as local scholars from Nepal performed havans and parayan. The Pashupatinath Area Development Trust had made extensive arrangements for carrying out the Yagnya and a beautiful and grand Yagnya Shala was made on the grounds adjoining the Hansmandap near Sri Pashupatinath temple.

The Vishva Shanti Maha Yangya programme commenced with prayers to Ganesha, whose shrine was located right opposite to the Havan Venue. Chaturveda Parayanam (Rig, Yajur, Sama and AtharvanaVeda), Laghu Nyasam and Ekadasha Rudra Parayanam along with Durga Sapta Shati, Ramayana, Bhagavata, Devi Bhagvata and Ramacharitmanas Parayan was performed every day from 8 to 11.30 am in the morning and from 3 to 6 pm in the evening. A team of ritwiks from Gokarna and Chennai performed Rig Veda Samhita Havan every day from 8 am to 12.30 pm on all days. Another group of ritwiks from Tamilnadu performed Kamyartha Homams starting with Ganapati Homam from 8 am to 9 am everyday with different dravyas and Avahanti Homam. In addition to this, based on the significance of each day, different pujas and parayans were done as follows:

25th November - Sunday: Being Sunday, Tri Veda Surya Namaskar was performed in the morning. Tulasi Vivaha was performed as it was Brindavana Dwadashi. In the evening, Pradosha Puja was performed at the holy Pashupatinath Mandir with Mahanyasa Purvaka Rudra Abhisheka.

26th November - Monday: Maharudram and Parthiva Shiva Linga Puja was performed in the morning 8 am onwards propitiating Lord Shiva. In the evening, Dipa Puja was performed on the auspicious occasion of Bharani Dipa. In the South, the Tiruvannamalai Deepam in Tamilnadu is lit on this day, and devotees from far and wide travel to the holy temple town of Tiruvannamalai to have darshan of this Deepam. Last year, a team of pilgrims from Nepal had visited Kanchipuram in November and it happened to be the Barani Dipa day. His Holiness immediately directed them to be taken to Tiruvannamalai, enabling them to have darshan of the Deepam. This year, a bigger group of devotees in Nepal were lucky to witness the performance of Dipa puja right in Kathmandu, again due to the Benevolence and Grace of His Holiness.

27th November- Tuesday: Subrahmanya Japa & Homam was performed in the morning and in the evening, Varahi Japa & Homam was performed.

28th November- Wednesday: Chandi Havan & Srividya Homam was performed to invoke the Blessings of the Goddess. The Guhyeshwari temple in Kathmandu, located close to the Pashupatinath Mandir, is one of the Shakti Peeths.

Discourses: Mahamahopadhyaya Shastra Ratnakara Vedabhashya Ratnam Brahmashri Mullaivasal Krishnamurthy Shastrigal delivered special lectures on various topics including the significance of Sanskrit and Sanatana Dharma in the evenings from 25 to 28 November 2012.

29th November- Thursday: Dhanvantri Homam, Sudarshana Homam and Dakshinamurthy Japam & Homam was performed on Thursday.

30th November- Friday: Srisukta Japam and Homam was performed. A significant event that was held on that day was the 108 Suvasini and 108 Kanya Puja. 108 Suvasinis from Nepal participated. The Suvasinis are revered as a form of the Goddess and puja is performed to them. After washing their feet, mangala dravyas like Kumkuma and Turmeric were applied, followed by Pujas. Kanya Puja was performed to 108 Kanyas. New clothes, sweets and gifts were given to all of them. The children eagerly chanted 'Jaya Jaya Shankara Hara Hara Shankara' and 'Kanchi Shankara Nepala Shankara'. It was indeed a glorious sight to see these pujas being performed on a grand scale in Kathmandu.

This was followed by Go Puja. Quite close to the Havan Venue is located a Goshala which has close to 230 cows and calves. In fact, the area itself is called Goushala. The entire team of Pandits and devotees went to the Goshala and performed Go Puja. Each of the cows and calves were garlanded and adorned with vastras. Puja was performed after applying Tilak and kumkum. The cows were fed with grass and grains and mangala harati was performed. The workers of the Goshala were also honoured.

1st December- Saturday: Bhairava Japa & Homa and Brahmachari Puja was performed. Inside the Pashupathinath Temple is located more than 550 shiva Lingas. As ordained by His Holiness, Pujas were performed to the Shiva Lingas and vastrams were offered to each of the Lingas. Puja was performed at the Adi Shankara Shrine inside Pashupatinath temple.

2nd December- Sunday: Triveda Surya Namaskara and Navagraha Japa was performed 8 am onwards. A large number of Nepalis - both young and old, participated in the Surya Namskar prayers. All the Parayans awere completed, followed by the Poornahuti which took place at 11.45 am. The participating scholars were honoured with Sambhavana and Shawl. The Pashupatinath Area Development Trust in a brief function honoured the scholars with Shawl, Rudraksha mala and the prasad of Pashupatinath Mandir. Members and volunteers of the Pashupatinath Area Development Trust who worked with enthusiasm to enable the successful performance of the Yangya programme were honoured on behalf of Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham.

Evening Programme: From 25th November to 2nd December everyday in the evening, Vishnu Sahasranama, Rudra Kramarchana, Sahasranamarchana and Chaturveda-Purana-Sangeeta- Avadharaya were performed followed by deeparadhana. Cultural programmes were performed by local artists.

A large number of devotees from Nepal and India participated in the above programmes and received blessings. Specially printed booklets carrying important stotras to be recited by one and all every day and other messages were distributed to the devotees, along with blessed Mantrakshata, Kumkuma and raksha threads. Haldi and other mangala dravyas were given to the women devotees. Prasadam was served to the devotees in the afternoon as well as night. The entire programme was performed with spiritual fervour and the participating ritwiks, unmindful of the extreme cold (with temperatures dropping close to 2 degrees in the night) and the long and arduous road journey to Kathmandu and back, observed all the anushtanams and completed the various parayanams and homams, with the benign grace of Their Holinesses.

Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Yagna Kalasham


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Havan Shala


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Yagna Kalasham


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Yagna Kalasham


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Rig Veda Homam


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Kamyartha Homam - Poornahuti
Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Chaturveda Parayan


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Deepa Puja


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Navagraha Homa Kalasham


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Parthiva Shivalinga Puja


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Suvasini Puja


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
108 Kanya Puja


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Vatu Puja


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Go Puja


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Tulasi Vivaha


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Ramayana-Bhagavata-Devi Bhagavata Parayanam


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Lalitha Sahasranama Parayanam


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Shri Krishnamurthy Shastrigal delivering a discourse


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Young ones eagerly listening to a discourse


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Banner at Shri Pashupatinath Mandir


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Adi Shankara's Shrine in Pashupatinath Temple


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Sadhus visiting the havan shala


Nepal Vishva Shanti Maha Yagnya
Cultural programme by local artists

List of Vaidiks who participated in the Vishva Shanti Yagnya:

Sl. No. Name Shakha Place
1 Brahmasri Gajanan Samba Dixit Rig Vedam Gokarna
2 Brahmasri Neelakanta Joglekar Rig Vedam Gokarna
3 Brahmasri Sandesh Bhat Hiregange Rig Vedam Gokarna
4 Brahmasri Sriram Muravane Rig Vedam Gokarna
5 Brahmasri Krishna Joga Bhat Rig Vedam Gokarna
6 Brahmasri Ganesha Joglekar Rig Vedam Gokarna
7 Brahmasri S Venkatachala Ghanapatigal Rig Vedam Chennai
8 Brahmasri Ramakrishna Ghanapati Krishna Yajur Kanchipuram
9 Brahmasri Mukundan Krishna Yajur Kanchipuram
10 Brahmasri Vaikundan Gowtam Shukla- Madyandina Kashi
11 Brahmasri Saketh Bihari Dwivedi Shukla- Madyandina Chitrakoot
12 Brahmasri Vaman Chatterjee Sama-Koutuma Kolkata
13 Brahmasri Gagan Chatterjee Sama-Koutuma Kashi
14 Brahmasri J.Kedarnath Sama-Jaimini Secunderabad
15 Brahmasri Umakant Joshi Sama-Jaimini Pune
16 Brahmasri Shashank Upadhyaya Atharvana-Piplada Puri
17 Brahmasri Pratipta Kumar Panda Atharvana-Piplada Puri
18 Brahmasri Seetarama Ganapatigal Atharvana- Sounaka Chennai
19 Brahmasri Sreesanth Atharvana- Sounaka Tirupati
20 Brahmasri Senapaty Kamyartha Homam Kumbakonam
21 Bhramasri Raghurama Sharma Kamyartha Homam Kumbakonam
22 Brahmasri Rajappa Sharma Kamyartha Homam Tanjavur
23 Brahmasri Ravishankar Ghanapatigal Kamyartha Homam Kumbakonam
24 Brahmasri Prabhakara Sharma Kamyartha Homam Kanchipuram
25 Brahmasri Shivashankar Kamyartha Homam Andhra
26 Brahmasri Ranganathan Parayan- Devi Bhagvat Kanchipuram
27 Brahmasri Gurumoorthy Parayan-Ramayan Kanchipuram
28 Brahmasri Mahesh Parayan-Bhagvatam Chennai
29 Brahmasri Devamani Bhattarai Parayan-Bhagvatam NEPAL
30 Brahmasri Lakshmanan Krishna Yajur Pattukottai

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